ESHa Minaroll
MINAROLL is a unique Polyvitamin combination of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. These things are vital factors in the make up of every organism. Sufficient quantities are required for creating and maintaining a healthy metabolism in all living creatures. A good vitamin supply is essential to ensure a healthy aquarium. It increases the fishes natural resistance against infections and diseases, especially for fish that do not have natural food supply at their disposal and are fed with so-called “complete mono-food”.
Weekly use of MINAROLL provides fish with sufficient quantities of important vitamins, minerals and trace elements which may be missing from your aquarium. Using MINAROLL is beneficial for several reasons:
Fighting and recovery from Disease:
Fish require more vitamins, minerals and trace elements when fighting or recovering from disease. This results from the increased cell functions and activity associated with cell defence. MINAROLL increases resistance against disease by increasing the immune response. By stabilising the vitamin reserve the danger to your fish from damaging micro organisms is lessened.
Reducing Stress:
Detrimental environmental circumstances such as poor water quality, transportation etc mean that fish are often damaged in such a way that renders normal vitamin supply insufficient.
Increased cell activity:
Increased cell activity can occur during the spawning / breeding season or whenever fish are required to generate extra biological exertion (includes periods of fast growth and high consumption). MINAROLL provides extra vitamins, minerals and trace elements to compensate for incurred vitamin depletion.
A-vitaminosis develops through insuffi cient biosynthesis (a direct decline of condition signifi es A-vitaminosis). This can result from of the use of medication (i.e. antibiotics, sulfanilamides etc.), or a lack of variation in diet.
General Maintenance:
MINAROLL can also be effective as a general supplement to maintain good, healthy fish condition. Healthy fish quickly eliminate damaging bacteria and other micro organisms through their biological defence mechanisms. In all these cases, much larger quantities of vitamins, minerals and trace elements are required than can be provided by normal food.
Size: 20ml
20ml treats max 2000 litres / 440 Gallons