Funded: Help Sick Dog Found Barely Surviving in Pile of Garbage

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Update Coming SOON!

URGENT: An animal welfare crisis in Greece has left thousands of dogs on the brink.

In late 2023, Greater Good Charities and The Animal Rescue Site started helping groups working in the city of Xanthi, Greece, to rescue and care for over 600 sick and starving animals living in a municipal rubbish site.

Since then, we have learned that the number of homeless dogs in the region around Xanthi number is in the thousands! We need your continued support to save lives. Together, we have provided food, specialist medical care, funded high quality spay-neuter services to reduce the number of dogs, and supported foster and adoption for dozens of pets.

But there are many more who still need our help; like Rita. 

Nurse Rita Back to Health

Location: Greece
Breed: Mix
Age: Young
Medical Problem: Malnutrition, heartworm-positive, parasites
Treatment: Medication and ongoing care

Rita was found near death suffering from leishmaniasis, a parasite disease spread by infected sand flies that causes ulcers on the skin and infection to internal organs and can be fatal. She also tested positive for heart worm disease and Ehrlichia

She was found in a pile of garbage severely underweight and in need of immediate care. She will need months of intense medical treatment to beat the parasite diseases and regain her health.

She needs our help to survive. 

So many are dying. These poor, innocent dogs are scared, starving, and many have never known the love and comfort of a safe home. Many, because of illness, will never have the chance. We need your help to save them.

need your help NOW! Donate to give these pups a fighting chance.

We're actively responding to this crisis. We’re working with local rescues to provide care and treatment to these pups.

Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.